Tuesday, August 13, 2019

FW: [EXTERNAL] Announcing online application for Raoul Teilhet Scholarships - what local presidents need to know



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From: Debra Stakes <dstakes@cuesta.edu>
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2019 7:32:34 AM
To: CCFT Members <CCFTMembers@cuesta.edu>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Announcing online application for Raoul Teilhet Scholarships - what local presidents need to know

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Jane Hundertmark <jhundertmark@cft.org>
Date: June 12, 2019 at 1:55:08 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Announcing online application for Raoul Teilhet Scholarships - what local presidents need to know
Reply-To: jhundertmark@cft.org

Dear Local Union Leaders - 

As part of our website upgrade, we are pleased to announce that children and dependents of members may now apply online for CFT Raoul Teilhet Scholarships. This replaces our previous pdf application. Online application is the current standard and brings our program into alignment with similar scholarship programs. The CFT Scholarship Committee hopes this will encourage more applications from children of members.

Here's what you need to know as a local union president

• Online application is live for July 1st, the deadline for continuing college students to submit applications. 

• Verification of Union Membership by the local union president is still required. Previously, this request came to you on paper or perhaps scanned and emailed. Now this request will arrive to you by email. The email notification will come from the student, not the parent who is your member. However, the parent will have already completed the union information that you will be verifying. You simply click on the links provided in the email to verify the member is in good standing. It's faster and easier than before. (Sample email attached here)

• CFT chose the vendor Community Force, as recommended and used by the AFL-CIO. So any email you receive from Community Force is valid and important. The emails will arrive from admin@communityforce.com

• As you might imagine, those emails may go to spam. The student applicant is asked to contact the local president in advance of sending the automated request from Community Force, but we can't guarantee the applicant will do that. 

 Letters of Recommendation: As an educator, you may be asked to provide a recommendation for one of your students who is applying for a CFT scholarship. These were previously on paper; they will now arrive by email. Again, simply follow the links provided. It's fast and easy. (Sample email attached here)

• Online application for high school seniors will be launched this summer for the application deadline of January 10, 2020. 

In closing, this is a significant upgrade and one the CFT has been working to implement for many months. Remember to keep an eye out for Union Member Verification emails. Please let us know about any problems that arise, or if you have any questions.

And finally, a reminder that back-to-school flyers about union scholarships are available on the Scholarships page of the CFT website. There is a flyer for the CFT Raoul Teilhet Scholarships and second flyer listing all union scholarships available to members and their dependents.

In solidarity,
Jane Hundertmark

Attached in pdf: 
- Sample Union Member Verification email
- Sample Letter of Recommendation email

Jane Hundertmark Publications Director
California Federation of Teachers
2001 Center Street, Suite 600 l Berkeley, CA 94704

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